So our hyper active puppy souled golden developed a limp which continued for a few weeks.
upon investigation and xrays by our regular vet he suggested the chance of osteoscarcoma in her left humerus. He referred us to a specialist clinic for animals.
Last wednesday feb 12th we meet with an internal(ist) Doctor there who confirmed inital xrays that something was going on in leg, but commented how good our girl still was and how minute the limp was. Further xrays on that day showed no cancer in the lungs or chest region.
A biopsy was taken that day, results of which we got back yesterday the 14th.
Biopsy report inconclusive as to which sarcoma is present.
we now have to wait and see what a surgeon says next week.
Im gona try and post xrays and snippets from report for anyone who could take a look and help us
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Pretty girl ! Good luck